Sunday, March 17, 2019

Learning Challenge: The Time You Have

Learning by H.E.A.R.T, week 9
The Time You Have (In Jelly Beans)The Time You Have (In Jelly Beans)

Perspective. This video provides an interesting look at life and time through the paradox of a jelly bean. One bean equates to one day. Being that I just made dinner and feed my dogs, showered and did some homework, I feel satisfied, but I certainly took up some of my precious time. However, I also walked outside on this beautiful summer day, I noticed the green grass sprouting, the buds forming on the trees, and the awakening of spring...more time. I guess the beautiful thing about time is that it is ours - or is it? So many things we do out of necessity, so in realizing the small amount of time that is optional is scary, humbling, wonderful. Not one word emcompasses my reaction to the video. In fact, my reaction is quite mixed.  I think about the things that make me feel alive, satisfied, and make me smile. Those are the things that I am going to do with my jelly beans.

IMAGE of jelly beans


  1. Hi Hannah,

    Comparing the time you have to a jar of jelly beans is a really useful comparison. I am glad you are choosing to use your jelly beans on the great things in life. When evaluating what I have been spending my jelly beans on, I realized I have spent way too many jelly beans on homework. This has really gotten in the way of spending my time in a more stress-free way. I definitely want to change how I am spending my jelly beans.

  2. Hey Hannah, one suggestion I have is to change the font color as the black on black is hard to read; however, I really enjoyed reading it. It is actually very inspirational to think of every day as a jelly bean. Actually, its so inspiring I wrote it on my white board in my room because I think it is such a great way to think about things. Thanks for sharing this, as it is going to help me be motivated and really think about how I am spending my time each day.
