Wednesday, February 6, 2019

reading notes part 2

Source: Aesop

The Heron - Aesop (Winter): Page 11
This haughty Heron learns a valuable lessons as he turns up his nose to food that he considers too small, too insignificant, and way beneath his station. Later, when the supply of fish move to deeper waters, Heron is forced to be satisfied with a paltry snail.

The Peacock and the Crane - Aesop (Winter): Page 12

I love this story! “The useful is of much more importance and value, than the ornamental.” Although our society, social media, and our own selves often attempt to convince us otherwise. I applaud the Crane who believed that the gift of flight and the freedom it offered was far superior to the Peacock’s ornamental beauty.

bibliography: Aesop (Winter),

The Astrologer - Aesop (winter)
A simple tale of mistaking the value of knowing the future over the worth of living in the present. The all knowing and future seeking astrologer learns a valuable lesson - the importance of living in the present and being alert of your surroundings. It is kind of funny that the simple peasant man had this figured out.

The Frog and the Mouse  - Aesop (winter) page 14
A great little tale warning that when you wish to cause others harm that it could be your own deceit that comes back to harm you. Sure enough when the cunning frogs tricks the curious mouse into riding with him in the river, and then drowns him, it is the hawk that has the last laugh when he gets a dinner of mouse tied to frog.

The Goatherd and the Goat - Aesop (winter) page 16
The young, foolish goatherd learns the lesson that the obvious speaks volumes. After throwing a stone at a wandering goat, he breaks its horn. He begs the goat not to tell the master However, the goat explains “that broken horn can speak for itself.”

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