HEALTH Challenge: Learn about sleep
Sleeping Puppy Cute Puppy |
Data Reveals How Some College Students Sleep
I received a sleep tracker last year as a Christmas present from my mom. The present was based on perceptive observations of her part of my interesting sleep habits. After years, twelve to be exact, my body had been conditioned to wake at the same time and fall asleep about the same time five days of the week. However, once I moved away and went to college all conditioning for sleep was erased. With so many nighttime distractions - friends with different schedules, eating establishments catering to midnight munchies, and study cram sessions, I will readily admit that by mid-semester my sleep habits were messed up.
The sleep tracker yielded interesting results. It tracked quality of sleep by somehow monitoring the hours of REM. I was amazed by its accuracy - it would even track when I would awaken and get a glass of water. However, the novelty of the device wore off and I quickly returned to living free from the concern of my sleep habits. I am currently back in a poor sleep routine - I stay up too late, sleep too late, and then suddenly shock my body by awakening at an ungodly hour for some appointment. I know from experience, that lack of sleep negatively impacts me - I become sluggish, unmotivated, more easily stressed, and a little on the mean side.
I found it interesting that the article stated that the most sleep-deprived of the schools studied were the military schools that required students to wake up early. I feel certain that I would not fare well at one of these venues. Sadly, I, and many of my friends, carefully select courses based not only graduation requirement but also on time offered. And I must say that I do have some concern with my sleep habits and the ability to work after college graduation.
As a confessed Night Owl, I am delighted that the article mentions that this trait has been linked to general intelligence. Even so, I am beginning to realize that I feel much better if I go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier….earlier, not early. I vow to improve and use this assignment as a reminder and a gentle push.
IMAGE connects takeaway from article - SLEEP IS GOOD cute puppy
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